Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Dusty Masterson

I’m prepared to wait and see with Wes Streeting and hope that he stays strong, but it’s nonsense to say that there isn’t enough evidence of the harms of puberty blockers. They’ve been known for years because of their use in precocious puberty and that’s what makes their widespread use even more unforgivable. What concerns me is that he may instigate trials which will gradually be widened to the point that there’s a ban in name only. That way he ‘quietens’ both sides. As for Lisa Nandy, the woman who thinks that males should be able to choose which prison they go into……

Thanks Dusty, my loins are girded. #BeMorePorcupine. 💪🏻

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Thanks, TT.

The piece from Reality's Last Stand shows precisely why a clinical trial is simply not possible at this moment in time (and hopefully never!) so if Mr Streeting does go down that route that would be highly challengeable. You may have noticed my growing emphasis on legal challenges 😊

We await the King's Speech!!!



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Yes, I’ve been very impressed and grateful for your expertise, you’ve taught me a lot. And you’re right, legal challenges are the way forward.

Just watching the Kings Speech. Conversion therapy ban announced.

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I'm glad it's been useful, TT

Yes my wife and I have been scouring it. Just added stop press to the latest update.

Let the battle commence!!


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At least they have just included one of the manifesto commitments at this stage so we can hone in on that ( though we await the schools guidance and the news re puberty blockers with trepidation)

Of course nobody is going to do anything re DEI, the police etc etc


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I’m ready!

Btw my husband was very excited about today’s film clip. One of his favourite westerns along with the Clint Eastwood ones.

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Glad he enjoyed it, TT. Great performances from Charles Bronson and later Henry Fonda as evil Frank and Jason Robards as Cheyenne. Full of priceless one liners such as’ you brought two too many’ 😊

If he likes Clint he will love the next one namely The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Ask him if he knows what a ‘Mexican Standoff’ is 😊


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That’s another favourite and he knows what a Mexican Standoff is. 😁

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Jul 17Liked by Dusty Masterson

Asking criminals where they would like to be locked up is farcical

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Totally agreed

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We should set ourselves the challenge of finding one aspect of gender ideology which isn’t farcical.

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Haha good point!!

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Jul 16Liked by Dusty Masterson

It is insane isn't it, how did we get to this point where preventing a fundamental part of human development was considered acceptable in the medical profession?

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Hi Matthew

I have been fighting this since 2019 but part of me still can't quite believe this is happening!!


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Jul 16Liked by Dusty Masterson

I find it hard to believe that anyone could do something so obviously unhealthy to their own child, it seems inconcievable that someone could think that invavsive cosmetic proceedures and a dependency on synthetic hormones is in their child's best interests. Then I remember that people have joined cults and murdered their own children since beyond the beginning of history. It's just another demented dead end in the history of mankind.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

Cult is probably the best word for it.

See the Wrong Bodies documentary which I provided a link to in this update in case you haven't come across it yet:



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Jul 17Liked by Dusty Masterson

Fantastic piece Dusty!

For me the absolute horror is that most of these adults who are so keen to use our young as lab rats went through their own puberty! Many have children!

But they wish to deny children ofthat wonderful experience.

No one wants to have kids in their teens!

I was adamant that I would never 'spawn' but here I am 44 and 2 great grown kids and I wouldn't change that for the world.

These activists need put back in their boxes sharpish

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Thanks, Sarah and totally agree. Here’s hoping that Mr Streeting continues to resist the activists! And then we have the conversion therapy bill to worry about. I think that Baroness Cass , as she now is, will have something to say about that!!


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