Mar 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

When it comes to 'hate speech' I keep thinking of the man who publicly recommended 'If you see a Terf, punch them in the face' getting off punishment because he said he was only doing it for the attention! As if it's OK to advocate violence as long as you say you didn't really mean it. What's that? The law should be about demonstrable facts, not internal feelings.

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Hi Sarah

He calls himself Sarah Jane Baker. He was taken back to prison for breaching his parole ( he spent some 30 years inside!)

Just watching LWS 😊


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Mar 23Liked by Dusty Masterson

Great round up, Dusty! Thank you

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You're welcome, Mikalina.

Glad you enjoyed it


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Mar 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

Thanks Dusty, great news from NZ. Let’s hope the awakening continues.

Really interesting discussions from Whittle and Darren Grimes. I love Darren’s comment on the Scottish bill…’a cross between the Stasi and the Keystone Cops’. 😆 And it’s great to see sane young people.

Let’s hope that more young people wake up to what’s happening, otherwise we’re heading for the equivalent of the denunciations of family members as in………well take your pick. There are so many examples throughout history.

Agree with Liz re Varadkar and the hate monster. Are we allowed to hate the hate monster if someone complains? Or would that blow up the computer?

And not forgetting the wonderful African Queen. I never get tired of it, a bit like Casablanca.

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You're welcome, TT.

Yes that quote was brilliant.

I'll pick Mao's China. Xi Van Fleet ( author of Mao's America) says that, when she lived with her parents, they NEVER discussed politics!!!

I thought that the hate monster who was watching Father Ted looked quite friendly 🤣

Jeremy suggested Katharine Hepburn and then I went straight for The African Queen 😊


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Mar 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

Yes, a monster Father Ted fan. Brilliant.

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Mar 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

Varadkar resigning is a big step & not unexpected after two referendum defeats. This represents some hope that Irish politicians/media will start listening to the people; next year’s general election should be interesting. So glad about the Carer’s Allowance case, too; seems like the DSP are as bad as our DWP: a law unto themselves. New Zealand seems to have woken up to the dangers of ‘hate’ speech laws; I hope the Scots can wake up too. Police Scotland have made right fools of themselves with their hate monster - it was ripe for parody & piss-taking. The page disappeared from their website after the public took to xitter to mock it. I can’t wait for the police to issue an arrest warrant to JKR on April 1st! 😂🤣😂.

Love ‘The African Queen’ - that waterfall scene! Thanks, Dusty, for some good news amongst the bad. Loved Chumbawumba’s song, too. That would be a great Terf Resistance Anthem, as you say.

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You're welcome, Liz.

In that excellent video on Reasoned they go to the Police Scotland website and, as it were, realise live that the hate monster has been taken down 😊

I wonder if there might be some hate monsters at LWS in London today 😊

I have been saying that , if they make the mistake of prosecuting JKR then the massive counter attack will begin in earnest! And if they don't prosecute JKR but try to prosecute us ordinary GC people won't we be saying 'but I'm just saying what JK Rowling says!' 😎

This is a recipe for chaos. However the process is the punishment yet again.

As Lord Justice Sedley said in Redmond-Bate v The DPP in 1999: “Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.”


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