Apr 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

Thank you Dusty, very kind of you.

I must say that I keep thinking that I can’t be shocked any more but each day there’s something new. This week it’s been Kirstie Allsopp and in particular her vile comment to the mother whose daughter is due to have a double mastectomy. KJK is right, this is further proof that this is a cult which has captured people to the point that they cannot be reasoned with. So although I am sure that free speech is the key to fighting the cult, there are too many cult members who are immune to all reason. As Helen Joyce says, we have to speak around them to the people on the other side.

I really fancy a scone and jam now, cream on top! 😋

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Thanks again for the quote, TT.

Yes Kirstie Allsopp’s comment was shocking and cruel.

I like’speak around them to the people on the other side’ - I’ve noted that down 😎

Tea and scones in a Volvo anyone 😎


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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

It's a pity the 'vulva/Volvo owner' just got laughs. It's helpful that this ideology and the grotesque language it uses is highlighted, but it isn't really a laughing matter. Maybe there'll be more humour when women aren't being fucked over or their safety compromised.

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Well at least they were laughing at her instead of just agreeing with her. And that made her look, I think, like an idiot ( well, she is an idiot). It might have been better if they directly challenged her I agree. I suggest you try my Megyn Kelly clip for a more satisfactory approach :)


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I should add that I try a bit of direct, forceful up front , no holds barred comment mixed with a bit of humour to provide some light relief from the horrors - which can be a bit of a tightrope act.

I do my best :)


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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

It's no criticism of you, it's great that you have your Substack. And, yes, sometimes it's so bloody dreadful that laughing does provide some relief. I like to think that those bastards haven't removed our humour. And it's good that she was being laughed it. She's prepared to censor herself to the degree that she isn't prepared to describe herself as a woman in this contexts. Not something plenty of trans identified men have any difficulty doing, even when they have a dick. I would have preferred it if she'd been challenged.

I remember seeing a video of Julia Hertley Brewer interviewing someone about 'period poverty', and the woman being interviewed referred to those affected as 'people' rather than women, and the discussion was largely about why the interviewee had chosen to do that. Because not everyone who has periods is a woman, etc. Yeah, sure. I think that if there's an opportunity to expose some of this bullshit publicly, it should be taken. And the reaction from these idiots when they're questioned is extremely telling.

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I'm not taking it as criticism, Radhwa, I love your comments. Much appreciated.

Well, yes, Julia Hartley Brewer is not going to let something like that lie!! :)

And it looks like Megyn Kelly won't be doing that either!

Thanks for your support


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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

My pleasure 👍🏼

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