May 22Liked by Dusty Masterson

Another update, jam packed with fantastic resources, thanks Dusty.

Whenever I hear about Labour plans for trans rights which somehow won’t affect women’s rights, I think of the Orwell quote….”Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them”.

I hope people aren’t put off by the word Christian .. that’s an excellent article.

Mr Menno has outdone himself. Brilliant.

Maggie Chapman is scarily insane looking. I love how Dennis Kavanagh always posts such macho pictures of himself.

Regarding gender ideology, we all need to be more porcupine. 😄

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You're welcome, TT

Doublethink is good description!

Yes on way to Chelsea today.

Be More Porcupine - I love it 😊


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May 22Liked by Dusty Masterson

You must be at Chelsea today. Hope you have a lovely day despite the rain.

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May 22Liked by Dusty Masterson

PS Who could forget Brandubh’s marvellous poem - a call to arms - to be more porcupine!

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I want a Be More Porcupine T shirt 😎


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May 22Liked by Dusty Masterson


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May 22Liked by Dusty Masterson

Agree with TT on everything here. Excellent updates, Dusty. Looks like vote labour, get Self-ID. I’m not worried about the word Christian; I’ve always said we’re going to have some strange bedfellows in this fight. Isn’t Mr Menno’s video absolutely brilliant? I retweeted it half a dozen times. Maggie Chapman is raving lunatic; I’ve heard she believes in elves & fairies. Dennis can really put an article together in a most powerful way; I suppose that’s the lawerly training. JP is really good at taking the pizzle. I always enjoy his videos. Agree with TT; we should all be more porcupine. Thanks a bunch & enjoy Chelsea, Dusty.

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You're welcome, Liz.

I agree with all you say. My wife and I had a lovely day at Chelsea , thanks, despite it p***ing it down all day. This meant there were fewer people so it was much easier than usual in getting to see the gardens and the stalls. We had our eyes peeled but didn't see a single rainbow flag which was good news! There certainly wasn't a rainbow in the sky!! Then we got to Birmingham Snow Hill station and there was Pride everywhere!!!!

Will try and include some photos in next update.


General election 04 July - too early I feel!!!

Need to see the manifestos!!


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May 23Liked by Dusty Masterson

That’s good news, I might consider rejoining at some stage. Glad you had a good day.

Maybe a flash mob is needed at Snow Hill.

Be More Porcupine could catch on. Not as easy as a dinosaur costume though. 😁

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We fully expected to see rainbows so we were pleasantly surprised.

It was all over Snow Hill - totally ridiculous. My wife and I had stickers at the ready but there were too many people about! A flash mob would be great. Maybe the Lunch Club will do something?

Dinosaurs, hate monsters, porcupines ....😊


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May 23Liked by Dusty Masterson

Actually, a porcupine costume might be the perfect solution for a flash mob of stickerers.

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