May 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

Thanks Dusty, I think labour need to ask themselves…. if we sack off the trans lobby vote/ ‘woke’. vote, where exactly will they go? They aren’t going to the tories, are they really that scared of the lib dems? the tories will lose loads of right wing voters and brexit supporters in the north to reform. I can’t see the political advantage in selling women and children out to secure the ‘woke’ vote for labour. It doesn’t make sense, unless they actually believe in gender ideology. oh well

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Thanks, CB.

I will be doing an analysis of the manifestoes as we go along but my position as it stands at present is that I do not see how a self respecting Terf could vote for..ahem...here we go... Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP or Plaid Cymru ( I need to catch up with Northern Ireland but definitely not Sinn Fein!). The Tories allowed all this to happen under their watch! Why didn't they stop it? Maybe they didn't really care? Or worse? I can see an argument for them being the best of a bad bunch but many people will not like their other policies. However this gender madness is so fundamental!! I go for Party of Women because, even if they haven't got a chance of getting a seat, they will publicise the issues. If we don't have a POW candidate in our seat ( please let there be one , I am very good at leafletting!!!!) I will be probably adapting some of the questions being drafted by our main GC organisations and firing them at the candidates.

The lucky people who have Rosie Duffield or Tonia Antoniazzi or Joanna Cherry or Kemi Badenoch as their candidate!!!


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May 25Liked by Dusty Masterson

KJK v LRM 🎉 that should mean fireworks unless the MSM do the usual and ignore the issue.

Good points re Sex Matters Dusty, I agree.

Labour 🤬

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I am looking forward to the Battle of Brighton 😊

At lease the usual suspects will cover it ie. The Times, Express, Mail, Telegraph, GB News, Talk TV...

Glad you agree re my points to Sex Matters - need to also e-mail them about schools.


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BTW Barry W enjoyed Be More Porcupine 😊

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May 25Liked by Dusty Masterson

Good idea, I will too.

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Have e-mailed them 😊

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May 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

i’d vote for POW Dusty too but i don’t think they have anyone for where i am, and i don’t think i’d be an appropriate candidate.

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Better getting asking them questions then, CB 😊

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May 25Liked by Dusty Masterson

Hi Dusty, maybe the boundaries have been changed? i just got a leaflet from my labour guy- not my current mp so maybe a mistake. Anyway, i’ve asked…. whats his position on the cass review. simple question. Simple answer required.

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Good question. Wes Streeting did do a reverse ferret, of course, and said they would follow the Cass Review.

Sex Matters (and doubtless others) will be producing template questions to ask candidates so watch out for them.


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May 25Liked by Dusty Masterson

thanks Dusty, the two format post is good by the way. For slow readers like me it makes for easier reading

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May 24Liked by Dusty Masterson

I've been fully porcupined for a few years now. #BeMorePorcupine

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Thanks you, Wimpund

And likewise 😊


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May 25Liked by Dusty Masterson

Steer Karmer is a ruthless, ambitious, chameleon, proven liar, who will adopt/adapt any policy to get himself elected. I wouldn’t trust him as a milk monitor.

I’ll support the PoW by donating as they’re not standing anywhere near me.

Magdalen Berns is such an inspiration; as are so many other courageous women in this struggle.

Thanks for the roundup, Dusty, and for the kestrel chicks.

PS I’m experimenting with a porcupine cloak; trying to figure out how to avoid stabbing myself when I fix the clasp.

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You're welcome, Liz

Agreed re Starmer!

Bad luck re no POW candidate but well done donating.

Thank you for the kestrel chicks - what a lovely video.

Love it re porcupine cloak 😂


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May 25Liked by Dusty Masterson


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