May 2Liked by Dusty Masterson

The Scottish greens are a basket case, promoting hare-brained policies that the Scots don’t want. And the SNP are worse for implementing them, from bottle deposit schemes to self ID. I don’t think we’ll be seeing Scottish independence any time soon. The Labour Party are just as bad with their cringing cowardice over trans policies & their stubborn refusal to apologise to Rosie Duffield. Glad to see the NHS’ acceptance of biological reality: sex is real. Do they know that water is wet & the pope’s Catholic? Several people are on Gender GP’s case, I’m pleased to see. Mixed news from New Zealand tho good to know some GC voices are getting through. Delighted for Rachel Meade; she’s been through a tough two years.

Thanks for this, Dusty. Will share as usual.

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You're welcome, Liz and thanks for spreading around as ever.

Agreed re the Greens, SNP and Labour!!

'Do they know that water is wet & the pope’s Catholic?' Ooh that cracked me up.

Why is this another consultation - why not just put it in place!!!

Glad more cases rolling against Gender GP and I hope cases will roll against Aidan Kelly's bunch as well. On the last Queens' Speech Dennis K warned Ms Webberley about conspiracy to cause harm!

Some fight back in NZ.

Really great for Rachel M!


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Some good pieces of news. At long last we seem to be making progress, although Gender GP should be prosecuted for child abuse.

Keir Starmer isn’t just reverse ferreting, he’s downright lying. Rosie Duffield, only this week, has denied ever speaking to him.The more I see of that man, the more I despise him.

And after the hilarious Queen’s Speech, another belly laugh in the form of the dignified, thoughtful, gracious and consensual!!!! Humza Yousaf. 🤣😂😆

Thanks Dusty.

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You're welcome, TT

Agreed re Gender GP and Dennis K has said this as well.

Agreed re Keir Starmer and you will have noted that Rosie D wondered whether he was using telepathy!! 😂

What fun Useless has provided us with!! Go, Kate Forbes!!


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Just been out to vote ( Tory only option here). Had a chat with the Lib Dem person ‘telling’ and told him that there was no way I’d vote for a Party that didn’t know what a woman was. He smiled and said he thought the message was getting through. Still won’t vote for them though. 😄

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I am gutted that there is no POW candidate here. In the local election I may do the unspeakable ( I have only ever voted either Labour or Green - can't believe it - my wife is going to do the same)and vote Tory just because they are probably the only ones who will listen to my two local campaigns abut the local school and the toilets in the local park.

In the mayoral and PCC I am going to spoil my ballot paper because nobody has responded to my 'gender' e-mails.


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We’re lucky, Lisa Townsend is our PCC. You probably remember her, she was on Free Speech Nation when she upset Blunt.

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Lucky you! 😊

I know our PCC, Simon Foster personally but he hasn't responded to me so...sorry, Simon, no vote from me!


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May 1Liked by Dusty Masterson

cheers Dusty, labour need to get there shit together, my mp is useless on these issues. I actually think ( and pray) that most kids see through this, and society just moves on. What an embarrassing episode this has been for the west

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Totally agree, CB


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