
The consensus so far seems to be that the guidance is good and that it’s something to be pleased about, although it needs to be made compulsory. I think I agree with that although I haven’t had time to digest it all yet. The trouble is that the captured teachers are already saying that they are going to ignore it, which is what we thought would happen.

Omg, that doctor!

Will have a proper read tomorrow Dusty, thanks as ever.

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You're welcome, TT.

Yes the captured teachers are clearly going to be the problem - see the article about the head teacher (!!) in Liverpool.

However, as I say, simply ignoring the guidance must make for a sure fire challenge.

Sorry I've given you rather a lot to digest in the two parts!!! 😊


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It’s looking as though the whole thing is a complete waste of time as Labour will probably throw it out or ‘update’ it. We can only hope that enough parents become aware of the dangers of the ideology via the guidance and start protesting.

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Thanks as ever.

I note the call to 'ignore it'.

Speaking from experience simple failure or refusal to follow guidance is a sure court winner. In other contexts I have seen the day saved as it were by government guidance to local authorities which brings everything back from the brink and pulls them up short.

Obviously this then needs parents and/or teachers ( and maybe the Safe Schools Alliance) to step forward and take the challenge ( unless the Government is pro-active and hones in on schools that are ignoring the guidance).

Next problem; it will not be put into final form until the consultation closes and how quickly will this extremely slow government get around to doing that? Before the next general election?

Again in another context, a court judgment in October 2022 that a part of government guidance was unlawful only resulted in the government changing the guidance yesterday (and the change was not very complicated)!!

This is why Liz Truss's Bill is so important. If the Government want to give EDI and me temporary posts for a while we'll sort it out 😎


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😆 that’s an excellent suggestion.

I hope you’re right about legal challenges but surely that wouldn’t apply if Labour ditched the guidance? And I don’t trust Starmer at all. He’ll cave in to pressure, especially after promising Self ID .

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Good point re Labour but, in my experience, all governments, of whatever colour, are really, really slow and Labour will have lots of other pressing issues to deal with. I have always suspected that civil servants string things out. So IF (could be big 'if') the guidance is brought into force before the general election it will likely be there for some time. Plenty of time for court challenges to be brought forward.

As you know, I am pinning a lot of my hopes on court challenges laying obstacles in the way of a future Labour Government. If a detransitioner, for example, wins a case that makes it very difficult for a Labour Government to continue with any 'gender affirming care' for children.

Hope springs eternal!


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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

Have a lovely Christmas, TT & let’s hope next year will be a better one than this. 🎉🥳🎈

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Thanks Liz, and you too. 🎄

I’m sure next year will be better because people like us are on the case 💪🏻😁

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

That doctor talks like a god and a snake oil salesperson! Behold I can halt the puberty, buy my estrogen!

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She is SO BAD!!!!!!! Frightening!!


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I like snake oil salesperson. Back in the Wild West 😊


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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

I’m happy about this development but fear it doesn’t go far enough. The TRAs will be looking for loopholes no doubt. And, as TT & you have pointed out, the National Education Union have said they’ll oppose it. That’s my old union which I’m now disgusted with.

Thanks for the update, Dusty.

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Thanks, Liz

Shocking about the Union!!!

See what I think in my responses to TT.

Thanks for your support 😊


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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

I think the law needs changing, repeal the GRA and remove the fiction of legal sex. Sex is observed not assigned.

I have every sympathy for people suffering gender dysphoria, I remember reading about burly middle aged blokes in my mum's women's magazines back in the 90s. It always seemed to be the same story, spent first half of their life trying to be macho but finding no peace. It wasn't autistic girls or porn addled boys, the current gender affirmation model is insane, it is setting people up to fail. You cannot change sex, you cannot be born in the wrong body because "you" are just a byproduct of chemical reactions within that body, nothing more than a few electrical pulses in a weird grey jelly. Without that body you are literally nothing.

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Thanks, Matthew

I agree and also agree need to repeal GRA but trouble is the main parties can't be relied on to do that!! Party of Women?

Thanks for all your support BTW 😊


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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

I'd support a party of women.

Men have had a few thousand years at the helm and I don't think women could make it any worse! 😉

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Hear hear 😀

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Dusty Masterson

I’ve retweeted both parts of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ & tagged Pitt Parents & Barry Wall. They will RT them. Have a lovely Christmas, Dusty & thanks for all your hard work this year. 🤶 🎅 🎄

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Thanks very much, Liz much appreciated.

Have a lovely Xmas 😎


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