
Dear readers

The Good Morning Missouri posts are proving a bit sluggish so if you can push them around that would be appreciated.

I see that Plaid Cymru have withdrawn from the coalition with Welsh Labour! What a shame eh 😜


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I also, really admire Helen Joyce, she’s wonderful, and I can understand the point she is making …..that if we treat gender ideology as if it’s a religion, we don’t then all have to believe in it. But I just don’t see how that could work. Ideologues believe that they actually become the opposite sex or another gender identity and so they expect validation from the rest of us, with language and accommodations in single sex spaces and sports. The whole point is that we all accept ‘who they are’. It’s the core of their belief system. Joyce herself has said that “it’s a totalising belief system”. And to expect some of the most aggressive, demanding and narcissistic people to just accept living alongside us without their demands being met, is naive in the extreme. We’ve seen how they behave over the past few years.

It worked when we only had a tiny number of transsexuals but we’ve gone far beyond that now. If we accept that GI is a valid belief system, then we are leaving the door open for male sexual fetishists to reconfigure society around themselves and their demands. They won’t be happy with just wearing a dress in public and they will certainly continue to try and indoctrinate children in order to validate their fantasy lives.

Most other belief systems do not attempt to reconfigure reality. They are based on ideas regarding an afterlife and a way of working towards that afterlife. GI does the opposite. It wants to destroy and reconfigure the sex based reality of everyone on the planet. Ideologues are not working towards an afterlife, they are trying to create their fantasy life in the here and now and have us all accept it as reality. And that affects all of us. So no Helen, acceptance or accommodation is not the answer. GI must be destroyed. Ideologues can believe what they like in their heads but the rest of us should be refusing to engage with any of the insanity.

Thank you for featuring that beautiful music again Dusty.

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You're welcome, TT. The film has resonance for Terfs because it centres on the grief of losing a child in tragic circumstances.

Marvellously put by you. Andrew Doyle I think puts it extremely well in his most recent Afterthoughts podcast (only available to paid subscribers I'm afraid): https://andrewdoyle.substack.com/p/afterthoughts-with-andrew-doyle-ep-720

The gender borg are LIKE a religion or a cult as opposed to actually being a religion or a cult. They can spout their garbage as much as they like ( free speech, of course) but you have no right to impinge on the rights of women or support the harming of children (WPATH and Cass). Trans rights are human rights? We in the UK all have human rights enshrined in the Human Rights Act - right not to be tortured, right to freedom of expression and religion and so. There are no trans rights in the HRA though. So what are you talking about, gender borg?

There is the law and there is Stonewall law ( ie made up law).



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May 17Liked by Dusty Masterson

I thought the Helen Joyce/Debbie Hayton interview was excellent: Helen’s discourse was very balanced and authoritative. I hope the expelled Scottish Greens sue.

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Hi Barbara

I agree that the Helen Joyce interview is excellent. I think that if we combine what she says there with what Barry Wall has written we have the way forward IMO.

I too hope that the expelled Greens sue them. What a shambles of a party they are! You may have noticed that only the 7 Greens voted against approving the Cass Review!! Says it all really.

They will only follow the science that they like personally!


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