It was very gracious of KJK to accept Pessuto’s apology so fully. I think it was a weaselly apology, born out of fear of litigation. Let’s hope she’s right to feel so positive for the women of Australia.

Caroline Lucas saying that the govt is politicising sex Ed is a spectacular level of DARVO. At least the Greens are good for a laugh if nothing else.

I think the assessment of Labour is a tad generous. Considering that Starmer thinks that Wales, with all its adherence to an insane ideology, is the model for his govt in the rest of the Uk, I think that a few more adjectives need to be added. How about cowardly, snivelling, sneering, grovelling, backtracking, morally bereft, lying, two faced, brain dead automatons incapable of seeing the harm that is being done to children and society in the name of progressive politics. If left to Labour, that utterly shocking training revealed by James Esses, will continue to be the norm across the UK. That is truly a terrifying prospect. I’m glad that the Tories are taking action, but is it too little, too late? And get bloody Keegan out of education.

The £9 ice creams have made the MSM! 😁

Thanks Dusty, really useful evidence of the horrors of what’s been happening in education.

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You're welcome, TT.

I was also not impressed by Pesutto's apology.

My educated guesses ( and just guesses)re Pesutto are:

1. There is a non publicity agreement with an agreed apology form of words for KJK and Angela Jones so I hope the ladies have also been compensated sufficiently

2. Moira Deeming is continuing because she also wants re-instatement in the Liberal Party.

Pesutto should stand down!

Agreed re Ms Lucas! I used to like her once upon a time!!

Certainly Labour are not to be trusted and the main hope is roadblocks in their way: Cass, court cases, new policies in education and DEI etc

I think Esther McVey and Victoria Atkins are really trying to get things done but Keegan is hopeless!!

Good old James Esses! Secret Squirrel 😊


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I can sing the whole of Secret Squirrel 😂…what an agent.

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