
Dear readers

This update is proving a bit sluggish in terms of viewing figures so I would appreciate it if you could push this around if you enjoyed it.

Thanks to those who pushed around Liberty Valance which went up nicely in terms of views.

Tonight's update will concentrate on Wes Streeting and puberty blockers.


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Thanks as ever Dusty for a range of great pieces.

I’m totally shocked by all the people and groups who want schools guidance looked at again. And in general, I think things are turning out the way we thought….badly. It’s all incredibly concerning and chilling. Especially as even people like Joyce are giving Labour the benefit of the doubt, although only for now I hope.

I think that we don’t give an inch to Labour. We assume the worst and hope that some of them will listen to reason eventually. Trouble is, how much further does the ideology spread during that ‘eventually’.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Author

You’re welcome TT.

I agree with all you say. Definitely no compromise.

I am very concerned about the pressure being put on Ministers such as Streeting and Phillipson by TRAs, captured organisations and TRA MPs. I am going to make a list of the latter so that I can keep an eye on them!!


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