I’m not sure that JKR’s statement from a month ago, is helpful in the current climate. The trans umbrella is so wide, her statement, although empathetic, lays us all open to being forced to include male fetish under the term disphoria. In fact, I don’t think that I even accept the term as a tangible diagnosis any more. There is mental distress in a tiny number of mostly males which needs psychological treatment. But that this has to include ‘woman face’ I do not accept. Wear what you like… agree, but beyond that, no.

As regards rights, we all have equal rights, or we did have until males began predating female rights. Again, it’s not helpful for JkR to focus on the rights of so called trans people. All she is doing is reinforcing a delusion, a myth. Sorry if this sounds harsh as I do admire what she’s doing. She is a hero. But I think she laid herself open to the ridiculous response from Hayton. Please feel free to disagree! 😁

I can only say FFS re the civil service, women’s prisons and trans activists, French or otherwise.

Brilliant endpiece. 😆

Thanks Dusty.

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You're welcome, TT.

I agree with all you say about JKR's statement.

Of course Mr Hayton misuses that statement - none if it takes away from the simple fact that Mr Clark is actually a straight white middle class man! The original tweet was of course along the lines of here is a woman managing a woman's club.

I note that Julie Bindel has admitted she was wrong about Mr Hayton:


Well done, Julie very big of you.


NB I look forward to further stuff from JKR on this topic😊

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That’s brilliant from Bindel, thanks for posting it. It’s really interesting to hear that even she has been guilty of going along with some of the nonsense because of a reluctance to appear cruel. That’s exactly where I’ve got to. No more pandering to a dangerous delusion, just get your woman face out of my space.

JKR is completely right about Clark but I’ll be disappointed if she makes any more ‘pandering’ posts about poor trans people.

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Yes well done, Julie.

I like‘woman face out of my space’ 😊

I am hoping for a JKR riposte to Mr Hayton 😊


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DH does leave himself open. His last three questions actually rebound on him if you follow me!


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I’m just reading the latest from Barry with a discussion about something Helen Joyce has said.

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We must all be psychic, TT.

Earlier I noted down Barry's piece to read it on my walk.

Liz P has just messaged me to say it's brilliant.😊

I look forward to it


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Hope you don’t me posting this link Dusty. I think it’s a useful addition to what’s touched upon in The Reckoning video.

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This is very useful. Thanks TT


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