Excellent Dusty, it is all a bit of a mess

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Thanks v much, Barry and see what I say above re Reform


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Jun 18Liked by Dusty Masterson

Brilliant and thorough work Dusty, thank you. Particularly interesting re Reform. Seems like a case of ‘be careful what you wish for.’ I can understand their reasons for abolishing those acts but the consequences could be disastrous for women. If they do gain more power by the next election, we’d have to work on explaining to them the problems with their policies. They’re obviously on the side of common sense and reality, but our issue isn’t a priority for them and they don’t seem to fully understand it yet.

Julie Bindel ffs. How can anyone listen to a thing she says ever again! And I’m afraid I’m losing respect for Rosie Duffield now that an election has been called. I could understand her stance before, but she should not be standing on that insane and incoherent manifesto. Where are her principles? She could make a huge splash by leaving Labour. Sorry folks, I know that’s controversial. 😬

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

You're welcome, TT.

Reform is the manifesto that has taken me longest so far!

Most if not all of our successful UK legal cases in the gender wars have been on the back of the Equality Act. Freedom of speech and assembly are crucial to our struggle and are enshrined in the HRA. Yes we need to get rid of gender reassignment as a protected characteristic ( one day I will wade back into Hansard to work out why this was made much wider than it needed to be - it could have just said 'someone with a GR certificate') but the central concern are those parties who are proposing ID or virtual self ID which will open the flood gates! I haven't yet sent my email to my local candidates ( better get a move on , will do tonight) and I will add some specific questions for the Reform candidate.

Julie Bindel has transformed from the great old campaigner she was for women's rights years ago into what? I'm sorry but this is despicable!

Obviously we are all horrified at the intimidation of Rosie D (which does bring into question democratic processes in my opinion if she is effectively prevented from speaking at hustings) but, yes, how can she stay in the Labour Party?

As an aside the police really need to get a grip on these serious online threats that happen all the time. The recent bloke who got a slap on the wrist who was threatening Rosie and JKR!! Should have gone down.




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Jun 18Liked by Dusty Masterson

Thanks Dusty, yes agree with all that.

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Thanks TT.

Sorry that also involves the judiciary getting a grip as well, of course!


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Jun 18Liked by Dusty Masterson

Oops forgot #BeMorePorcupine

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Jun 18Liked by Dusty Masterson

I’m assuming that’s a bad ‘ha’.

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No no a good one, porcupine principle rocks

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Jun 18Liked by Dusty Masterson

Feel like explaining?

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Google Porcupine Paradox - Easy to get

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