What an array of excellent pieces Dusty, thank you…..the speech, the song, the book launch 😳 and some great videos.

Scott Wiener is the perfect example of the evil moving among us, cloaked in glitter and rainbows. Forcing teachers to keep secrets from parents, telling children to keep secrets from parents and only trust the adults who are coercing them into a life of lies……..Glinner is right. This is grooming. There’s no other word for it. It’s straight out of the paedophile playbook. And it makes my blood boil.

But the crowning jewel of this update has got to be the Lierre Keith blistering and powerful potted history of the development of gender ideology. That piece should be compulsory viewing for anyone who refuses to accept what’s happening around us, anyone who thinks we should just ‘be kind’. She’s right, the huge money behind it all isn’t the driver, it’s the enabler. The driver is male sexual fetish and the desire of those males to overpower women in their quest for dominance, over women, over children, in order that they can use us for gratification and validation. It is all evil and if I ever feel myself wavering in this fight, I’ll watch that. Thanks Lierre. 👏

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Thanks, TT, and I agree re Lierre.

She is a subscriber to this substack ( hope she doesn't mind me revealing that!) so I hope she will see your comment.


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You mentioned it a while ago. 😁

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Oh yeh I forgot 😂

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Its usually me forgetting stuff! I’m just glad I’m not the only one. 😆

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Jun 7Liked by Dusty Masterson

Agree wholeheartedly with TT here. You’ll be pleased to know my post of Dusty’s article was reposted by Martina Navratilova! 👏👏👏

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Thanks as ever, Liz...and Gosh! Do you know where Martina re-posted it?


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Jun 7Liked by Dusty Masterson

She gave it a repost to her 400,000 followers on twitter.

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Whoaaa!!! 😊

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That’s amazing, well done Liz and Dusty! 🎉

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Jun 7Liked by Dusty Masterson

All praise goes to Dusty for his hard work. 🤩🤩🤩

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and to you two for all the marvellous suggestions you make😊


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Indeed, he’s the perfect #BeMorePorcupine! 👏

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Spiny thank you 😂

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No! Persistent in the fight against predators 😂

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Which update was it Liz?

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I was presuming it was Civil War ? Liz?

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And I should add how utterly disgraceful of that army unit to do that on D Day. What a kick in the teeth to all those who fought and died. My dad would have been seething with rage.

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And mine...and my Mum who had to flee to Ireland from London during the Blitz!


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Jun 7Liked by Dusty Masterson

My dad was wounded in WWII; he showed us the bullet scar on his leg. He would have wept in rage about the disgusting disrespect.

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Jun 7Liked by Dusty Masterson

The most recent one that you commented on above, TT

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Jun 8Liked by Dusty Masterson

Excellent work here, thank you Dusty 😊

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You’re welcome, Trudie 😊


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