What is your number, officer?
Thanks to JL for bringing this to my attention and, of course, recommendation for JL’s latest exhaustive Week on the War on Women update including info from Auckland:
A free speech campaigner and You Tuber called The Laughing Auditor (TLA) was walking through London when he stumbled upon the Anti-Women’s Activists ( formerly described as TRAs) protest outside the inaugural meeting of The Lesbian Project ( because they weren’t allowing…ummm…men to attend FFS!). He is clearly not up on gender ideology and starts off thinking that this is interesting, an apparent rave in the middle of a London street.
TLA clearly is not really up to speed on gender ideology ( fair enough) but, before very long, as he films the event, one Sarah Jane Baker starts yelling at him with a megaphone that he is a fascist ( virtually nobody has talked to him at this point!). Understandably he takes offence at this.
Sarah Jane Baker? https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1621
Sitting on floor in red beret. Sarah Jane Baker was jailed for 30 years after being convicted of kidnapping and attempted murder. A lovely man!
Then TLA is blocked by the AWAs and protests to the police that he is being stopped walking up and down a public street and, of course, the police mainly complain at him rather than the AWAs. His phone is punched out of his hand at one point.
I can’t be sure, to be fair, that he has peaked but he must be very close to it at the very least!! Well done for persevering, TLA! Please come to one of the Standing for Women events. :)
Moira Deeming
Moira Deeming is the Australian Liberal MP who spoke at one of KJK’s rallies. The Leader of the Liberal Party, John Pesutto [W****r, sorry I must stop doing that!] then sought her expulsion from the party. After her speech to the Liberal Party he decided to withdraw his motion - though I was still very disappointed to see that she has been suspended for 9 months! Great report on Sky News Australia:
Attack on Kellie-Jay
The man [ #Just Say Man] who attacked KJK by pouring tomato juice over her has been identified. Has he been arrested yet I wonder? Thanks as ever to Reddux for the info:
Amidst the disgraceful lies and misinformation being pedalled by the Australian and NZ media, one has to rely on Sky News Australia and also sterling work by Sean Plunket on The Platform. He has ensured that women who were prevented from speaking at the Auckland rally are now allowed to speak - do listen to this, it is great:
Hyde Park
Great post from Glinner about what happened at Hyde Park ( ‘Go home to your mothers’):
More from Scotland
In a story by Christian Calgie in the Daily Express ( "Electoral suicide" The SNP's new leader Humza Yousaf, in the words of his own colleagues 27 March), it is stated:
Amid problems in Scotland's health service, a cost of living crisis and the SNP’s failure to get the country any closer to independence, top of Humza Yousaf’s to-do list will be unifying his party after a bitter leadership battle. Unfortunately for him, after weeks of infighting, his colleagues will have a hard time rowing back on attacks aimed at him and his record in government….
The most bitter attacks levelled at him came from his opponent Kate Forbes.
During one television debate, Mrs Forbes launched an astonishing attack on Mr Yousaf, accusing him of repeated failure in his various Scottish government jobs.
"Humza, you've had a number of jobs in government. When you were transport minister the trains were never on time. When you were justice minister, the police were strained to breaking point.
"And now as health minister, we've got record-high waiting times. What makes you think you can do a better job as First Minister?"
Mr ‘never done a proper day’s work in his life’ Yousaf is, of course, completely behind the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. Go on, Humza, let’s have an election!? Have you got the bottle?
A Message to the New Zealand Police
Has this man been arrested yet? If not, why not? What about all the others?
Why did you deliberately stay away from the event? Why did you deliberately not protect the women?
People could have died and you stood by! Listen to the testimonies of those who were there on Sean Plunket’s broadcast.
Who told you not to get involved?
Let’s have a public inquiry into you and the Government and the media.
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