Lord Justice Sedley in Redmond-Bate v Director of Public Prosecutions [1999] EWHC Admin 733:
'Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having. What Speakers' Corner (where the law applies as fully as anywhere else) demonstrates is the tolerance which is both extended by the law to opinion of every kind and expected by the law in the conduct of those who disagree, even strongly, with what they hear.
From the condemnation of Socrates to the persecution of modern writers and journalists, our world has seen too many examples of state control of unofficial ideas.'
Thanks to one of the readers mentioned below for the latest in the Heroes season, namely The Silence of the Lambs. Anthony Hopkins is convincing and chilling as Hannibal Lecter. Ted Levine is convincingly creepy as Buffalo Bill and we always love a strong female lead don’t we - Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling.
Clarice Starling, an FBI trainee, is pulled from her job at the FBI Academy by her boss. He assigns her to interview Hannibal Lecter, an incarcerated former psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer, on the pretence of persuading Lecter to answer a questionnaire about himself for the Bureau's psychological profiles, but secretly hoping to gain his insights about a psychopath serial killer nicknamed "Buffalo Bill" who kills young women and removes their skin from their bodies.
Buffalo Bill is clearly a cross-dressing autogynephile (AGP) - aside from making a ‘suit’ for himself from the skin of his victims! I appreciate he is at the extreme end of the spectrum of dangerous and predatory men! Stonewall and their cronies always say that women have nothing to fear from ‘transwomen’ but rather from (other) predatory and dangerous men. Unfortunately for them , there is shed loads of evidence that there are lots of dangerous trans-identifying men. Just read JL’s weekly list of horrors on the Glinner Update. I have said this before but do dangerous or predatory men (however they identify) wear signs around their necks?
Thanks as ever to two wonderful readers for suggested pieces.
Where Are We Going?
In case you haven’t yet caught up with them, these are two great videos from Kellie-Jay. I agree with all she says including about Donald Trump except that I respectfully disagree with her about the Equality Act and the Human Rights Act. I think that both these Acts are vital for the Terf Resistance.
In terms of the EQA we could do with getting rid of the unnecessary protective characteristic of ‘gender reassignment’ and, unfortunately, we do need it clarified (despite what Anneliese Dodds says) that ‘sex’ means ‘biological sex’ - see my report on the For Women Scotland case here: https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/this-is-ripley-signing-off
Article 10 of the HRA, freedom of expression, will be vital for challenging this Government’s apparent enthusiasm to quell free speech. See the report on the Free Speech Union’s judicial review with regard to the Freedom of Speech Act here: https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/stickmen
All thoughts on this gratefully encouraged.
Robinson’s Bar, Belfast
There are several pieces tonight via Feminist Legal Clinic so thanks as ever to them.
Father Ted writer among 23 people taking discrimination action against Robinson’s Bar in Belfast ( 17 September)
Women’s rights campaigners including Father Ted writer Graham Linehan were allegedly subjected to discrimination in a Belfast pub because of their gender critical beliefs, a court has heard.
Counsel for the group claimed they were unlawfully refused service during a “hostile and febrile” encounter at Robinson’s Bar.
It was also alleged that one of the campaigners was assaulted and left with a permanent facial scar.
A total of 23 civil actions have been lodged in the first case of its kind in Northern Ireland.
The group is suing Wine Inns Ltd, the owner of Robinson’s, over incidents in the city centre pub on April 16, 2023.
The Judge, Her Honour Orla Murray, agreed to list the cases for a further review next month.
Speaking outside court on Monday, the plaintiffs’ solicitor explained that lead cases will be selected rather than making an unwieldy attempt to run all 23 claims at the same time.
Source: Father Ted writer among 23 people taking discrimination action against Robinson’s Bar in Belfast
Meanwhile a pub in Brighton evicted a local FSU meeting after only one speech!
Bar Standards Board
The BSB are proposing that barristers in England and Wales should be obliged to advance diversity, equity and inclusion. EDI Jester discusses just why this is a very alarming proposal! Even if you are not a barrister, please consider writing to the BSB Bar Standards Board
289-293 High Holborn
Moira Deeming
Moira Deeming’s case against John Pesutto is currently being heard in Australia. I previously reported on Mrs Deeming’s case here: https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/raiders-of-the-lost-ark?utm_source=publication-search
All of the reports below are from Feminist Legal Clinic apart from the report from Edie Wyatt.
Women’s rally link to Nazis is ‘nonsensical’, Deeming’s barrister says (17 September)
In the latest major defamation battle, counsel for ousted Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming said it was “incomprehensible” for John Pesutto, party leader and lawyer, to find any link between her speech at a women’s rally and the neo-Nazi gatecrashers.
In opening submissions, prominent defamation barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC, representing Deeming, said “no educated person with a functioning mind” would have found her client was a Nazi sympathiser because of her attendance at a Let Women Speak rally.
Despite video evidence and the pleas from rally organisers and attendees, Chrysanthou alleged Pesutto “tarred” Deeming with “the Nazi brush” by not only dropping her from the party but also making comments to media that suggested she supported the neo-Nazis.
“The allegation my client was in any way blame-worthy for the conduct of these men … only has to be thought about for a few seconds to be considered nonsensical,” Chrysanthou said.
“They’re not supporting the women who are trying to speak; they’re interfering with it. They’re doing the opposite of letting women speak, they’re stopping women from speaking,” Chrysanthou said.
In a 3AW interview that same month, Pesutto claimed Deeming had associations with protester organisers who had “known links with Nazis”. He allegedly made similar inferences over documents, press conferences, and media interviews about the rally.
The hearing continues.
Source: Women’s rally link to Nazis is ‘nonsensical’, Deeming’s barrister says – Lawyers Weekly
Edie Wyatt reports on her substack, Culture & State:
Deeming V Pesutto
Irredeemable associations.
Sep 18, 2024
In Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice, Mary Bennet, Jane’s puritanical sister, is recorded as saying;
“Loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable; that one false step involves her in endless ruin; that her reputation is no less brittle than it is beautiful; and that she cannot be too much guarded in her behaviour towards the undeserving of the other sex."
Austin was highlighting the unjust social system where the reputation of a woman can be forever ruined because of her proximity to a bad man, and that ruination will be without redemption.
200 years later in Australia it would seem that women are just as subject to ruinous associations with men, even when those associations are invented.
In the Federal Court of Australia, proceedings have begun in the defamation trial of Moira Deeming v John Pesutto. Moira Deeming MP has faced public scorn and parliamentary party expulsion, after accusations that she has links to Nazi men who crashed a women’s rights rally, and that Deeming’s political associates Kellie Jay-Keen, leader of Standing for Women, and rally organiser Angela Jones, have sympathies with fascist men.
One of the key accusations toward Deeming, was that she didn’t immediately leave the Let Women Speak rally, when members of a local Neo-Nazi group crashed the event. It seems that even in the presence of a hoard of Victorian Police, an aggressive group of anti-fascists, trans activists, and a non-specific group of children’s rights activists, women’s rights activist are to be uniquely wary of reputation damage, simply by existing in the vicinity of Nazi men.
In the first day of the trial, the famous Pesutto dossier was discussed. This dossier was alleged to contain all the evidence of Deeming’s dark associations, or associations of associations. Deeming’s high profile defamation lawyer Sue Chrysanthou, SC, revealed in her introduction, that the evidential basis of the dossier was sparce, relying on sources like Wikipedia and the heavily biased UK LGBTQ publication, Pink News.
In a plot twist worthy of a TV crime drama, it was revealed that David Southwick had a secret recording of the original meeting that Deeming had with Liberal leadership, following the Melbourne Let Women Speak rally. On the second day of the trial the entire 70 minute recording of the meeting, was played in court, and we heard John Pesutto, David Southwick and Georgie Crozier bombard Mrs Deeming with allegations of her unredeemable associations.
Most startling in the recording, was the trepidation in which John Pesutto speaks of the then Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews. Pesutto can be heard saying that the Andrews team are going to make it look like the Victorian Liberal Party walk in “lockstep with Nazi protesters”. Under pressure, Pesutto seemed to have no clue on how to separate the issue of women’s rights, from the “anti-trans” accusations that the far-left activists and corrupted media, use towards gender critical women.
Pesutto said that “Andrews, in his tweets today, is signaling that’s what their week is going to be about”, and he was worried that the issue would build to a “crescendo” that is “fueled by Andrews and everybody else opposed to us”. In the recording Pesutto sounds like a mouse abut to face a lion.
The audio of the meeting is hard to listen to, as Deeming tries to plead her case with the obvious points that she can’t be held responsible for the Nazis turning up at the rally. Ms Deeming is heard clearly struggling to understand the links her parliamentary colleagues are making between the event organisers and right-wing extremism.
Most alarming for me, is how the Liberal leadership spoke about Angela Jones, a person I have known for a few years from the gender critical women’s movement in Australia.
Kellie Jay-Keen and Angela Jones launched legal actions against John Pesutto earlier this year. Pesutto settled the actions by issuing a statement on his website in May, saying that he does not believe that Keen and Jones are Neo-Nazis and that the women are “passionate women's rights activists” who share his belief that “Nazism is odious and contemptible”. But this was not what was being said in the secret recording.
At one point in the recording of the Liberal leadership meeting, Deeming says to her colleagues about Jones and Keen, “They’ve all condemned Nazism and everything”, Pesutto replies “I don’t think they have. Angie Jones hasn’t” and then Georgie Crozier pipes up and says, “No. She supported it”. Angela Jones is Jewish, and a left-wing feminist. She was also sitting in the courtroom listening silently to these accusations.
In an interview with Julie Szego, Angela Jones revealed that the consequences of her involvement with the Let Women Speak rally have been personally devastating. Angela is a single mother of four and has told me that the backlash she faced from the public accusations made against her, triggered serious depression and PTSD. Angela is still facing crushing social sanctions for her alleged association with a group of bad men that she has never met, and whose beliefs she has fought all her political life.
A controversial tweet Jones made following the Let Women Speak event was tendered in court as evidence of her reprehensive beliefs. The tweet reads “Nazis and women want to get rid of paedo filth, why don’t you?” During the rally the neo-Nazi’s had a sign that said “Destroy Paedo Filth”. In the to and fro with trans activists on twitter, following the rally, gender critical feminists were being accused of being on the same side as Nazis, because they agreed with the Nazi sign. The tweet was an attempt at a light-hearted joke, that just because two groups agree that paedophilia is bad, that doesn’t imply political alignment between those groups. Everyone should think that paedophilia is bad.
It was revealed in court that the Neo-Nazi group have since made a statement that by “paedo filth”, they were referring to LGBTQ people, but Angela couldn’t have known this at the time and was falling into a strange rhetorical trap, where agreeing that paedophilia is bad, somehow implies that a woman is against the alphabet people. When the tweet was presented to the court, Justice O'Callaghan himself asked what trans people had to do with paedophilia.
Associating gender critical feminists with men who have abhorrent views, is a favourite trick of trans activists, and Pesutto’s lawyer did his best to enforce the improbable link with reference to Moira’s views about Victoria’s “safe schools” programs. Deeming has been an outspoken critic of “Safe Schools” type programs, and on cross examination made it clear that she wouldn’t easily be tripped up on articulating her motivation for that opposition.
Deeming, and all women’s rights activists on the gender critical side, oppose ideological sex education programs like “Safe Schools”, because they violate long standing children safeguarding principles. Failures in safeguarding will make children vulnerable to paedophiles, but this has nothing to do with gay and lesbian people, just bad policy.
Deeming V Pesutto is expected to go for a few more weeks with an impressive list of witnesses to take the stand.
Moira Deeming MP is every woman in Australia who wants to politically engage in her own rights without fear of being smeared with the stain of bad men and their stupid ideas.
‘No man has a vagina’: Women’s rally footage played at Moira Deeming defamation trial ( 18 September)
Exiled MP Moira Deeming has told the Federal Court that it is completely uncontroversial to observe that women do not have penises and “no man has a vagina” – as protest leaders did at a Let Women Speak rally in Victoria she attended – on the second day of her cross-examination at a defamation trial in Melbourne.
Ms Deeming, a former Liberal MP who now sits as an independent, is suing Mr Pesutto for defamation over allegations he falsely portrayed her as a Nazi sympathiser after she spoke at a rally that was gatecrashed by neo-Nazis.
The furore erupted after Ms Deeming spoke at the Let Women Speak rally in Melbourne, which she maintains was organised to help raise awareness about the harmful impact of allowing biological males who say they’re women to self-identify into female-only spaces, services and sports.
Critics claimed the rallies were anti-trans. In the wake of the rally’s fallout, Ms Deeming, who some suggest could be a future Liberal leader, was exiled from the party.
“Very obviously, I’m not a Nazi. And I don’t support Nazis. They arrived just in black as far as I could tell, they were to the Left … everyone thought they were the other people who had got through the lines,” Ms Deeming says on the March 2023 recording.
“You’re not going to find a single shred of evidence … obviously I’m not a mind reader, maybe there’s some secret Nazi somewhere.
“There’s no evidence against me. They just turned up. There’s footage to show that we didn’t even look at them. There’s no photos of us talking to them,” she said.
“I was thinking, ‘oh my gosh, there are Nazis here, that’s terrible, but at least the police are taking them away’. That’s it. How was I supposed to know they were Nazis?
“I don’t know why I would be blamed for some random horrible people showing up.”
Deeming was determined to be ‘brave’ and attend rally despite security alerts ( 18 September)
Ousted Liberal Moira Deeming said she was motivated to be “brave” and soldier on with her plans to attend the Let Women Speak rally when concerns about violence breaking out were raised.
The court heard Deeming had alerted parliament in the days before the rally that police and security had raised concerns about threats. Deeming said the alerts related to counter-protesters and she did not think those at Let Women Speak should “somehow be blamed for inciting violence against themselves”.
She earlier accepted she booked the event on the steps of parliament and paid the upfront costs for security and sound.
Deeming was also asked in cross-examination if she was aware that a member of far-right group the Proud Boys had previously attended and spoken at a Let Women Speak rally in Miami alongside UK anti-trans rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.
Deeming told the court she was not aware of this.
Neo-Nazis were among several groups of protesters that stood outside parliament on March 18, 2023. Deeming on Tuesday told the court she was not aware neo-Nazis were there until they were escorted away by police.
Sue Chrysanthou, SC, for Deeming, earlier told the court that they were an entirely separate group.
Source: 12ft
Best of luck, Moira!
Lots More Woo Woo from Australia!
Patrick Hannaford in Sky News Australia ( Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids with 'fringe theories about sex and gender' after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit' 01 September) reports:
The Victorian government has been accused of indoctrinating children after it launched a new set of guidelines that recommends library staff ask kids as young as five about their gender pronouns.
Staff at Victoria’s more than 290 public libraries have been provided with a new “rainbow libraries toolkit” in order to create more inclusive spaces for LGBTIQA+ communities.
The toolkit, which was launched by the Allan government on Friday, advises library staff that they can become more LGBTIQA+ friendly by adding books on gender diversity to their collections, promoting drag queen story events, and avoiding the use of “gendered language”.
Picture: David Caird / NCA
In a section labelled "Non-Gendered Interactions”, the toolkit advises library staff not to assume the gender pronouns of primary school-aged children.
“It is also important to recognise that, especially for young people, gender identity and sexuality can shift or evolve over time,” the toolkit states.
“Children in particular may want to experiment with different gender expressions through dressing up, and we can support them by avoiding mapping our expectations of gender onto them.”
The full article is here:
Two more pieces care of prolific Feminist Legal Clinic.
The first one is particularly bonkers! I previously reported on this case here: https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/the-mexican-standoff?utm_source=publication-search
Counsellor Faces Tribunal for Opposing Male-to-Female Breastfeeding Claims ( 17 September)
A breastfeeding expert is facing action in a Queensland tribunal for objecting to the idea that biological males can breastfeed.
It is the third complaint Victorian Jasmine Sussex has had to deal with.
The first involved an incident with the Australian Breastfeeding Association, after Sussex wrote on Facebook that she did not believe it was suitable for biological men who had transitioned to breastfeed.
Her volunteer role at the Association would end after 15 years.
Sussex says it is because she refused to use terms such as “chest feeding.”
The second incident saw Buckley [ Dusty - this is the larping man in question]complain to the eSafety commissioner about an X social media post where Sussex had written the word, “delusional,” in response to an article involving Buckley and breastfeeding.
Eventually, the X post was geo-blocked, and can no longer be seen in Australia.
When Sussex responded on social media about censorship, Buckley complained to the Queensland Human Rights Commission in November, which saw Sussex taken to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Source: 12ft
Minister for Women Says Debate on Bill That Defines Gender Too Harmful for Senate ( 18 September)
Labor’s Minister for Women Katy Gallagher has defended the decision to block a proposed bill from One Nation that reinstates the traditional definition of “man” and “woman” into the country’s law—saying debate could cause “harm” to young people.
On Sept. 17, One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson raised the issue of her Sex Discrimination Amendment (Acknowledging Biological Reality) Bill 2024, which was voted down last week at the first reading stage by Labor, the Greens, and independent Senator David Pocock.
The amendment would have removed the term, “gender identity,” from the Sex Discrimination Act, and revived the old definition of “man” and “woman” based on biological sex.
The rejection marks the second time Hanson has been unable to advance such a proposed legislation.
The first reading is a formality and is normally done to notify the Senate of the existence of a bill. The clerk will read out the title and purpose of the bill, no debate occurs, and senators will vote on whether it proceeds to the second reading stage—it is rare for the Senate to block a bill on the first reading.
Labor Senator Katy Gallagher acknowledged it was a rare move but argued its necessity.
“We did take the rare step of not agreeing with the first reading. The reason we took that decision—and we did think about it carefully—was about the debate that would happen in this place if a Bill like that was introduced. This is a vibrant democracy, but when you have Bills that seek to harm people, including young people, we will draw the line,” she told the Senate.
Gallagher further stressed the vulnerability of the gender-diverse community.
[Ed: While I am no fan of Ms Hanson, it is clear that our Minister for Women has failed us miserably. She needs to meet with detransitioners and the many young women being harmed by trans ideology.]
Source: Minister for Women Says Debate on Bill That Defines Gender Too Harmful for Senate | The Epoch Times
And Vegan Woo Woo from New Zealand
More good stuff from Katrina Biggs on her substack, A B’Old Woman:
NZ singer-songwriter turned vegan businesswomen, polishes her halo by bad-mouthing terfs.
Sep 17, 2024
Flip Grater is a New Zealand singer-songwriter, who enjoyed some success here. She is now a retail businesswoman, with a vegan shop/café called Grater Goods in Christchurch. I have been in there a handful of times, and found it very pleasant. What isn’t so pleasant, is the opinion piece in The Press she’s written about women who don’t think that men who say they’re women are women - i.e. terfs.
Flip gives us terfs a bollocking in her opinion piece, and then tells us how we have to be a lot nicer. And naturally she’s the shining example of such virtue. Why else would she write a piece for the mainstream media denigrating the ‘wrong’ sort of women, if not to use us to elevate her status amongst the ‘right’ sort of people.
Flip assures the reader she’s a feminist, though. However, she’s the ‘right’ sort of feminist – i.e. the sort that thinks men who say they’re women magically turn into women. And, according to her, those women who don’t believe this – terfs - occupy one of the “most unpleasant spaces on the internet in 2024”.
Only a person who has never visited one of the places on the internet where men who say they’re women hang out, or seen screenshots of what they talk about and the sort of pictures and videos they post, would say this. I wonder if Flip would write a condemnatory piece about any of those places if she’d gone down a “two-hour long rabbit hole” into any of them? Or, is it just ‘bad’ women she’s brave enough to give the bash.
She has clearly never done any more digging than listening to what her social circle tells her, and as such thinks that terfs are the “underbelly of feminism”. Our concerns about men who say they’re women is just “irrational fear gone mad”. Flip can’t understand why we don’t cut men who say they’re women some slack.
We know that not all men are predators, but that doesn’t mean we let all men into our spaces so that the non-predators amongst them don’t feel offended. Well, we didn’t use to, but the Flips in the world have let in men who say they’re women, so as not to hurt their feelings. Those men’s feelings appear to be way more important than any feelings women and girls might have about that. In an ironic twist, she admonishes us to remember that “feelings aren’t facts”, which, strangely enough, is what we terfs have been saying forever.
Oh, but it’s “cis straight men” who, in her own experience, are the baddies, not the men who say they’re women, and the “data aligns with my [i.e. her] experience”. Except it doesn’t. I guess her social circle forgot to tell her that.
To be honest, I’m okay to be the ‘wrong’ sort of woman in Flip’s opinion, because the ‘right’ sort of women are advocating more for men who say they’re women, than they are for women and girls. If that makes me a wrong ‘un, I’ll take it.
Her bad-women bashing, and use of language taken directly from the transactivists’ dictionary of words, terms, slogans, and phrases, has all been said before, of course. Even though there’s nothing original about it, do read on regardless, because it’s almost compelling in its ‘angelic’ disagreeableness.[ Dusty - deep breath 😄]
OPINION: from Flip Grater.
“Stand up for women!” the Facebook ad screamed at me.
OK! I thought, clicking to Learn More.
What followed was a two hour-long rabbit hole into one of the most unpleasant spaces on the internet in 2024: the terf movement. Trans-exclusionary radical feminism.
It’s feminists, a group I clearly identify as part of, but the irrational-fear-gone-mad, the I-understand-being-oppressed-so-this-isn’t-that underbelly of feminism.
The issue being raised in the post was the idea that new laws designed to be inclusive of various gender identities are a threat to women.
As I was reading the comments under the post I couldn’t help wondering, “what are you all so afraid of?!”.
The answer is clearly: men.
The truth is, women have good reason to fear men. Men have and continue to abuse and kill women every single day. So a level of fear around men is actually reasonable. But directing that fear at the trans community is wildly misplaced.
And making legislative decisions or Facebook ads based on unfounded fears is hugely irresponsible.
The scenario this group seems to be concerned with is men pretending to be women in order to enter women’s spaces and cause harm. Which, let’s be clear, is a purely fictional fear based on nothing at all. [ Dusty - Please read just one of JL’s posts, Flip Grater!]
Predators don’t need to pretend to be women in order to prey. They only need to pretend to be decent humans.
Many people have hurt me over my lifetime. Nearly all of them were cis straight men. Not an ounce of harm has come to me via a queer man, a trans woman or a non-binary person. Which is anecdotal, yes, but the data aligns with my experience.
I do understand some of the discomfort that feeds this bigotry, though.
Years ago I went to a drag show at the Isaac Theatre Royal with a dear friend.
I enjoyed the show but there was also a little angst gnawing at me.
On the walk home I confessed the content of the cogs that were turning within. Part of me was jealous at the blatant joyful expression of feminine energy, of appearance and behaviours so extremely feminine I’ve been trained to judge them, hate them, avoid them in order to be “appropriate” or taken seriously. And a little part of me felt like the performer didn’t have a right to them.
I said, “women are living everyday with the realities of being women. With fear and oppression, with misogyny and inequality. But we ‘get’ to have femininity. That white guy is walking around being a dude in the world and enjoying all the things that brings. So what right does he have to also get to have femininity?”
My friend patiently explained, “Femininity doesn’t belong to you. Just like masculinity doesn’t belong to me.” [ Dusty - dear idiot, it’s got nothing to do with femininity or masculinity. Men can’t become women and vice versa]
A simple explanation that changed my brain on the spot.
Our knee-jerk reaction to things isn’t our best selves, it’s our conditioning.
All harm done by one group to another group throughout history has been due to conditioning, not inherent differences.
Society has taught us to hate and judge women, and fear and revere men. The patriarchal structure relies on us continuing to believe that everybody is strictly one or the other, so that we know how to feel about and respond to everyone around us. Otherwise how could we possibly know who to subjugate or fear? Flirt with or fight with? It all gets very tricky when anyone could be anything.
After that theatre show I started gobbling up gender conversations and commenced a journey of learning to love all the parts of myself and others - the things we call “feminine” and the things we call “masculine”. I’m still working on it.
Gender isn’t simple. And people don’t disappear just because you feel uncomfortable about their existence. So we can choose to either show up in this world with cruelty or kindness. To be exclusive or inclusive.
Rights aren’t zero sum. Trans women’s rights are women’s rights.
Trans rights are human rights. [ Dusty - we’ve all got human rights, twat] Let me channel Oprah for a second and joyously declare, “you get rights! And you get rights! And you get rights!”.
Trans leaders are currently teaching an absolute masterclass in self-love, acceptance and non-violent activism to the world if we’re open to hearing it.
At the end of the day, however you currently feel around these issues, remember that feelings aren’t facts.
Don’t let fear destroy your humanity and empathy. Stay curious and kind. Believe it or not, that community doesn’t actually need your every reckon around the nuances of gender affirming healthcare, hormone levels in sports, and bathrooms without urinals.[ Dusty - NUANCES!!!!]
What thought leaders in the trans and non binary space are offering us all is, in fact, the ultimate key to our humanity. The idea that love and self-expression could expand far beyond what we have previously imagined. That it could even be boundary-less.
Dusty - talk about depriving a village somewhere of an idiot!!
Cutting through the conditioning to see the true lessons of gender identity | The Press
131 Years Of Women Having The Vote In New Zealand
As celebrated by wonderful Rex Landy and many others
Woo Woo from the New York Times
Lucy Leader on her substack, …bodies get in the way writes:
The New York Times Publishes More Pro-Trans Propaganda
Sep 17, 2024
I have already critiqued the beliefs of Lydia Polgreen (who is a NYT opinion writer) in a previous post where she considered that her regret at not joining the school swim team was analogous to the regret of young adults who have voluntarily sterilized, mutilated and fundamentally detrimentally altered their bodies by consenting to “gender affirming care” which they lacked the capacity to consent to due to a combination of immature brain development and comorbid mental health conditions (that were ignored and glossed over by physicians profiting from this “treatment”).
On August 13, 2024 she managed to repeat her penchant for pro-trans propaganda in an article entitled, The Strange Report Fueling the War on Trans Kids. It’s properly labeled as an opinion piece as most of it veers between inaccurate, misleading and factually incorrect “information”.
We immediately part company because I don’t believe that any child, ever, has been “born in the wrong body”, which means that the entire concept of the “trans kid” is bogus hokum. Show me a child who claims to really be the opposite sex and I’ll show you a child who has been heavily influenced by the adults around them. Show me a kid who loves to play pretend and try on different roles (including as non-humans) and I’ll show you a child who is developmentally normal.
Either you believe that everyone has a gender identity that trumps biological sex, or you don’t.
Can healthy patients demand access to harmful treatments?
In her latest article Polgreen incorrectly states that “gender-affirming care for adolescents” is supported by “all major American medical organizations” which disregards the recent statement by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (which represents over 90% of practitioners in the US and Canada) who have seen the writing on the wall and stated that that there is “considerable uncertainty as to the long-term efficacy for the use of chest and genital surgical interventions” and that “the existing evidence base is viewed as low quality/low certainty.”
Polgreen deliberately conflates the puberty blockers administered to children whose bodies enter puberty at an abnormal age (like at only five or six years old) with halting normal puberty for “transgender” children. She neglects to mention that those children put on very early blockers are taken off them at the age where their peers are undergoing puberty, at which point they enter puberty too. Treating precocious puberty normalizes children, it does not harm them.
Of course, she also decries banning adolescents from mutilating surgeries and even claims that “such surgeries are extremely rare”. I guess that depends on what you call “rare”; for my part even one girl having her (not yet fully developed) breasts removed is one too many.

According to this article, “Around 5,000 to 6,000 girls underwent “gender affirming” double mastectomies in the US from 2017 to 2023, according to the Manhattan Institute, and at least 50 of those patients were younger than 12-and-a-half years old.” Considering that these figures were compiled from insurance data in the USA, so don’t account for operations which were paid for privately (or for the remainder of the world), that means that at least 12,000 healthy breasts were discarded as medical waste.
And if children know everything, then adults must know more, so why do health care teams struggle to prevent new mothers with puerperal psychosis from killing themselves? These women “know” that their children would be better off without them, so don’t doctors have an ethical obligation to listen to them?
The Cass Review was designed to find out the truth, not to hew to an ideology
The Cass Review was compiled at the request of the British government, not because they wanted to justify or promote experimental procedures in children or ban these, but because they wanted to know what the facts were around the issue. This was the reason that Dr. Hilary Cass was chosen for the task because she is an expert pediatrician with decades of experience.
Polgreen states that the organization that represents doctors in Britain “said it plans to review the methodology and conclusions of the report, saying that ‘clinicians, patients and families should make decisions about treatment on the best available evidence, not politicians.’” What she doesn’t share with her American readership is that this group, the British Medical Association is not actually a medical association, but a trade union for doctors. This is analogous to the Teamsters Union announcing that no one should be driving electric cars until they do their own research into their reliability.
An open letter signed by nearly 1000 BMA members stated that, they are “‘extremely disappointed’ that BMA council members took part in an ‘opaque and secretive’ vote on the Cass review last month.”
The Association of Clinical Psychologists UK (ACP-UK) and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges have issued statements welcoming the Cass Review as a comprehensive analysis of the existing evidence, but Polgreen doesn’t share their views either.
For the umpteenth time, J. K. Rowling is not “transphobic”
Of course, as is par for the course with queer activists, Polgreen trots out beloved children’s author J. K. Rowling to ‘prove’ that transphobia is always underpinning those of us who stand up for the rights of women. Unlike Polgreen, a self-professed trans ally by the name EJ Rosetta actually did the research to write an anti-Rowling article for her employer but found she could not submit a finished piece because, “To claim Rowling is transphobic because her time and focus are so often spent on women’s rights is like telling off a teapot for not giving you coffee.”
Rosetta ended her article with this final paragraph:
‘It is important to admit when you were wrong. Hard and humiliating? That too. Saving the best Potter line for last, I’ll end with this: journalists and content creators have been told we will be guaranteed a byline if we can come up with a good ‘JK Rowling is anti-trans!” article, but we would do well to remember: We Must Not Tell Lies.’
Admitting you were wrong doesn’t seem to be on Polgreen’s radar at this point in time…Perhaps this accounts for her doubling down on pushing the trans agenda?
The full piece is here:
Endpiece by Liz
I agree with KJK, the women still in left wing Parties or voting for them, are complicit in propping up the insanity. And those women abusing her are contemptible. There is nothing more important than this issue because it’s not just a battle to protect women and children, nor is it just about right and wrong, it’s a battle to retain a grip on reality. Once we let go of that grip, anything can happen and probably will…. as the insane affirmation of a child as a wolf proves. Where are all the adults?
I think you’re right about the legislation Dusty. It needs tightening and clarifying but we need it as a safety net. I wonder what Jeremy thinks…😁
FFS Australia. I felt sick reading about the indoctrination of young children in Victorian libraries.
Good luck to those involved in the Belfast court case and in Australia. 🤞
I love that Mash report. As a northern dog walker in the south, I always greet people I pass. Most reply, not always though.
Thanks Dusty, another excellent round up.